The Grubstreet Author takes your privacy and security seriously

Privacy Policy

The following statement explains The Grubstreet Author’s policy regarding the personal information we collect about you.

Privacy Policy

Maintaining Data Privacy and Data Protection is a priority for The Brewery on Chiswell Street Ltd (hereafter known as The Grubstreet Author). This Privacy Policy sets out the legal basis on which any personal data that we collect from you, or that you provide to us, will be processed by us.

Please read this Privacy Policy carefully to understand our views and practices regarding your Personal Data and how we will treat it.

Any questions relating to Data Privacy with The Brewery or this Policy should be sent by email to or by writing to The Brewery on Chiswell St Ltd; 52 Chiswell St; EC1Y 4SD London. Alternatively, you can call Wendy Glendinning-Plews, Director of HR and Procurement, on 0207 065 5736.

What personal Information is held

We may collect and process the following data from you:

  • Information you consent to provide The Grubstreet Author that is required to carry out our obligations arising from any contracts entered between you and us, or potential contracts that may be in liaison between you and us.
  • Information that you consent to provide by filling in forms on our website, or as part of any direct marketing or sales activities. This includes and is not limited to personal information about you such as your name, telephone contact number, geographical address / location, email address and interests.
    Note: Clear consent information is supplied at point of collection to provide information on the use of data; and a record of the consent is taken at point of collection.
  • If you contact us by telephone or in writing, we may keep a copy of your correspondence or communication.
  • Details of your visits to our website and the resources that you access (link to cookie policy)

If you have provided us with the personal data of another person, there is a clear requirement imposed by The Grubstreet Author for you to confirm that he/she consents to the processing of his/her personal data and that you have informed him/her of our identity as a Data Controller and the nature of the processing taking place.  Records will be retained as evidence of this consent.

How will we use the information we hold about you?

We use information held about you in the following ways:

Performance of a contract – We use information held about you to carry out our obligations arising from any contracts entered into between you and us; and to notify you about changes to our services.

Legitimate Interests – We use information held about you to provide you with information, products and/or services that you request from us or which we feel may interest you if relevant to the products or services currently being supplied as part of a contract with The Grubstreet Author, or in relation to a previous contract with The Grubstreet Author  whereby you are happy to continue to receive such information;

Consent (Website)- to ensure that content from our Website is presented in the most effective manner for you and your device (link to cookie policy);

We will not share your data with third parties for other marketing purposes unless we have your express consent to do so but we may share your data with third parties in order to collect feedback to improve our services.

Changes to our Privacy Policy

Any changes we may make to our Privacy Policy in the future will be posted to this page on our website

Your rights relating to Personal Data

You have the right to ask us to cease processing your personal data for marketing purposes. We will seek consent (before collecting your data) if we intend to use your data for such purposes or if we intend to disclose your data to any third party for such purposes. You can also exercise your right to prevent such processing by contacting us at

GDPR gives you the right to access information held about you. Your right of access can be exercised at any time.  The Grubstreet Author operate both a Data Subjects Rights procedure and a Subject Access Rights Procedure to ensure that all rights exercised by data subjects relating to personal data are managed appropriately.

From time to time, our website may contain links to and from our strategic partner(s), partner network(s), strategic sponsor(s), advertiser(s) and affiliate(s). If you follow a link to any of these websites, please note that these websites have their own privacy policies and that we do not accept any responsibility or liability for these policies.

Retention of your information

We take appropriate measures to ensure that any information collected from you is kept secure.

The Grubstreet Author operate a clear Retention policy and associated Retention Schedule to ensure personal data is kept only for so long as is necessary for the purpose for which such information is used.

If any of your personal data changes, or if you have any questions about how we use data which relates to you, please contact us by email at We normally update your personal data within seven (7) working days of any new or updated personal data being provided to us, to ensure that the personal data we hold about you is as accurate and up to date as possible.

Disclosure of your information

As part of our GDPR compliance obligations, we are duty bound to check when personal data may be shared with third parties to ensure that they apply the same or greater controls in terms of data protection.  The use of non-disclosure agreements form part of our third-party data sharing controls.

We may disclose your personal information to third parties

  • in the event that we sell or buy any business or assets, in which case we may disclose your personal data to the prospective seller or buyer of such business or assets; or
  • if we or substantially all of our assets are acquired by a third party, in which case personal data held by it about our customers will be one of the transferred assets; or
  • if we are under a duty to disclose or share your personal data in order to comply with any legal obligation or in order to enforce or apply other agreements; or
  • to protect the rights, property or safety of The Grubstreet Author, our customers or others.

The Grubstreet Author has risk assessed where personal information may be transferred outside the EEA. As part of our own due diligence, we have identified that personal data held for and by The Grubstreet Author resides in the EU. The Grubstreet Author will continue to monitor this for The Grubstreet Author considering any 3rd party provider changes in the future. Should a requirement for data to be transferred outside of the EU in future, The Grubstreet Author will implement controls and safeguards to ensure that equal to or greater data protection measures are enforced and records retained to evidence this.

Cookie Policy.

Cookies In Use on This Site

Cookies and how they Benefit You

Our website uses cookies, as almost all websites do, to help provide you with the best experience we can. Cookies are small text files that are placed on your computer or mobile phone when you browse websites

Our cookies help us:

  • Make our website work as you’d expect
  • Improve the speed/security of the site
  • Continuously improve our website for you
  • Make our marketing more efficient (ultimately helping us to offer the service we do at the price we do)

We do not use cookies to:

  • Collect any personally identifiable information (without your express permission)
  • Collect any sensitive information (without your express permission)
  • Pass personally identifiable data to third parties
  • Pay sales commissions

You can learn more about all the cookies we use below

Granting us permission to use cookies

If the settings on your software that you are using to view this website (your browser) are adjusted to accept cookies we take this, and your continued use of our website, to mean that you are fine with this. Should you wish to remove or not use cookies from our site you can learn how to do this below, however doing so will likely mean that our site will not work as you would expect.

More about our Cookies

Website Function Cookies

Our own cookies

We use cookies to make our website work including:

There is no way to prevent these cookies being set other than to not use our site.

Visitor Statistics Cookies

We use cookies to compile visitor statistics such as how many people have visited our website, what type of technology they are using (e.g. Mac or Windows which helps to identify when our site isn’t working as it should for particular technologies), how long they spend on the site, what page they look at etc. This helps us to continuously improve our website. These so called “analytics” programs also tell us if how people reached this site (e.g. from a search engine) and whether they have been here before helping us to put more money into developing our services for you instead of marketing spend.

We use:

Advertising Cookies

Cookies are widely used in online advertising. Neither us, advertisers or our advertising partners can gain personally identifiable information from these cookies.

You can learn more about online advertising at . You can opt-out of almost all advertising cookies at although we would prefer that you didn’t as ultimately adverts help keep much of the internet free. It is also worth noting that opting out of advertising cookies will not mean you won’t see adverts, just simply that they won’t be tailored to you any longer.

We use:

Remarketing Cookies

You may notice that sometimes after visiting a site you see increased numbers of adverts from the site you visited. This is because advertisers, including ourselves pay for these adverts. The technology to do this is made possible by cookies and as such we may place a so called “remarketing cookie” during your visit. We use these adverts to offer special offers etc to encourage you to come back to our site. Don’t worry we are unable to proactively reach out to you as the whole process is entirely anonymised. You can opt out of these cookies at anytime as explained above.

Turning Cookies Off

You can usually switch cookies off by adjusting your browser settings to stop it from accepting cookies (Learn how here). Doing so however will likely limit the functionality of our’s and a large proportion of the world’s websites as cookies are a standard part of most modern websites

It may be that you concerns around cookies relate to so called “spyware”. Rather than switching off cookies in your browser you may find that anti-spyware software achieves the same objective by automatically deleting cookies considered to be invasive. Learn more about managing cookies with antispyware software.

The cookie information text on this site was derived from content provided by Attacat Internet Marketing, a marketing agency based in Edinburgh. If you need similar information for your own website you can use their free cookie audit tool.


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